TrialGrid has more than 100 automated Diagnostic Checks to ensure your study design meets your best practice standards.
With TrialGrid Diagnostics you can run your quality checks in a fraction of the time it takes to perform manual checking and with 100% accuracy and repeatability.
TrialGrids' unique User Acceptance Testing (UAT) feature runs scripted tests against your Rave test environment to prove that your Edit Checks and Derivations are working as expected.
TrialGrid tracks changes to study objects and compares them to their library standard versions and permitted deviations.
Forms, Data Dictionaries, Edit Checks and other objects which are not found in the Library or which do not match their Library definitions can be compared and differences explained by the study builder. Deviations can be approved or rejected by a Standards Manager and the entire workflow recorded.
Tasks to be performed can be captured as Tickets. A ticket is an action to be performed which can be assigned to one or more project team members.
Tickets may have associated Labels such as "Blocked" or "Awaiting Review" - create your own labels to model your specific workflows.
Tickets may also reference design objects such as Edit Checks, Forms or Derivations making it easy to navigate between a task and the work that was performed to complete the task.
Users may comment on Tickets to report progress or to ask questions. When a user is referenced in a comment on a ticket that user will receive an email notification.
Define your own Workflow Labels and assign them to Draft Objects (e.g. Edit Checks) and to Tickets.
Multiple labels can be applied to each object.
Labels are a flexible method of tracking workflow state. Listings can be filtered by these labels to make it easy to find just the Objects or Tickets which are awaiting Test or Require Functional Review.
Every Project in TrialGrid has an associated Wiki.
Use the Wiki to document design notes on the study such as associated data integrations, vendor contact details and descriptions of custom programming.
Add extra pages to the Wiki to create a hyperlinked website right within TrialGrid.
Markdown formatting makes it easy to add titles, create links and tables in your wiki pages.
Referencing Tickets with the #{ticket number} syntax includes a link in the page direct to that Ticket.
Wiki's are a great way to organize Project Design notes.
Every TrialGrid Project has a files area. Use this to store files related to the Project such as:
Organize files into folders and sub-folders and re-organize with drag-and-drop.
Every change made within the TrialGrid environment is tracked. Who made the change, when, to what object or setting.
View the full audit trail for a Draft, Project and URL-level objects. Filter the audit trail to changes made by individuals or to individual objects.
Use the search to find previous work across all your studies.
You can also limit search to just certain types of objects such as Forms, Fields or Data Dictionaries.
Seach makes it easy to find and re-use content from previous studies or to find key words in your study.
Write Edit Checks in a fraction of the time with TrialGrids' unique Clinical Query Language (CQL)
The Derivations editor uses the same CQL syntax as Edit Checks
TrialGrid makes working with Data Dictionaries fast and easy.
Complex set of Matrices? Take control of them with the TrialGrid Matrix editor
Automatic test conversions make it easy to ensure that conversion formulas are correct.
Creating and Editing Forms has never been easier.
Familiar layout with advanced features for:
Syntax highlighting editor makes it easier to manage Custom Function code:
Whether you're a Rave Classic or Rave EDC user you can import Drafts and Versions directly into TrialGrid without having to download Architect Loader Spreadsheets.
Export Drafts direct to Rave Architect without downloading an Architect Loader Spreadsheet
Overwrite drafts, Merge with an existing Draft or create a new Draft in Architect with the option to Publish in Place.