Articles tagged with 'Matrices'

11 New Diagnostics

Despite the holiday season it has been a busy month at TrialGrid. We hosted two audits in July and our Quality Management System and approach to validation continues to be well received by Auditors. At the same time, we managed to make more than 60 changes to the system including improvements to the UAT functionality and the addition of 11 new Diagnostics, bringing our total to 119.

All of these new Diagnostics were suggested by customers and our policy on these is really simple - if a suggested Diagnostic would be useful to all our clients, we implement it for free. As a result, we have a backlog of 30-40 new Diagnostics to add over the coming months. Big thanks to all our contributors!

As well as adding the following Diagnostics we also added new options to many existing Diagnostics (e.g. to ignore inactive Fields, Forms and Edit Checks). In all, our 119 Diagnostics have more than 300 settings which all you to customize the operation of the Diagnostics to your own standards.

0109 : Fields should NOT have a SAS Format Specified

As you know, if you don't set a specific SAS Format for a Field then Rave will assign one. Depending on your work practices you might choose to always use Rave defaults (this Diagnostic) or specify your own formats.

If you choose to specify your own formats then you will likely want to use Diagnostic 0051 : Fields should have a SAS Format Specified which is the exact opposite of 0109.

This highlights the importance of selecting Diagnostics which match your own best practices. The easiest way to manage this is to set up standard sets of Diagnostics (and their associated settings) in a TrialGrid Project. These standard settings can then be imported into any other Project.

We can suggest a set of core Diagnostics and help you set up a standard library of Diagnostics you want to run.

0110 : ePRO Forms should not require signature

This should be self-evident but its easy to make a mistake here.

0111 : Ensure a set of Custom Functions exist in a Draft

When you have Custom Functions that call other custom functions via PerformCustomFunction it's easy to forget to include those additional CFs in your study draft. Rave won't recognize there's a problem until you start testing your Edit Checks and it discovers that the dynamically called Custom Function doesn't exist. This Diagnostic ensures that one or more required Custom Functions appear in the Draft.

0112 : Targets of Set Dynamic Search List Check Actions should have a Control Type of DynamicSearchList

In Rave you set a Field to be a Dynamic Search List via a Check Action but the Field itself has to be set to have a DynamicSearchList control or you won't be able to publish the Draft. This Diagnostic tells you sooner.

0113 : Primary Form may not have Dynamic Search Lists

Speaking of Dynamic Search Lists, did you know that they cannot appear on the Primary Form or the Draft cannot be published? This Diagnostic will catch that for you.

0114 : Forms should have Confirm Save set

Rave has four settings for Save Confirmation - No Confirmation (Save Confirm Checkbox unchecked), No Link, Link Next and Link Custom. You can use this Diagnostic to ensure Forms are not set to "No Confirmation".

If you want to enforce a particular Confirmation Style you can use Diagnostic 0074. Note that RaveEDC (formerly RaveX) only supports some of the Confirmation options and Diagnostic 0074 was updated to provide even more control over the types of confirmation links you allow in your studies.

0115 : Ensure specific Forms/Folder/Matrix combinations exist

This Diagnostic checks that specific Form/Folder combinations exist in either specific Matrices or in Any Matrix. If a combination exists but the Form is inactive then a warning is given. You would use this Diagnostic to ensure that standard Forms appear where you would expect them to in your studies e.g. an IVRS integration Form or a study withdrawal Form.

0116 : Ensure specific Forms/Fields have Set Folder Observation Date checked

When you are using Rave's subject calendar features you'll need to ensure that the Folder Observation Date is checked. This Diagnostics ensures that key Fields have the necessary options set.

0117 : Check name of Primary Form

If you have a standard for the name of your enrolment form this Diagnostic will help you enforce it. The Diagnostic checks that the Primary Form for the Draft has a specific name or matches a specific pattern (e.g. contains the word "Subject").

0118 : Check Draft Confirmation Message and Signature Prompts match expected text

This Diagnostic checks that the Save Confirmation Message and Signature Prompt text for the Draft exactly match the values provided. This allows organizations to ensure that their legal wording is being reproduced precisely in study designs.

0119 : Fields of ControlType CheckBox should not be used except on a specific set of Forms or Fields

Some organizations do not use CheckBox controls except in specific circumstances. Checkboxes have a value of Checked (1) or Unchecked (0) which makes it difficult to know if a user deliberately chose not to check a box or overlooked the question.

New releases

If you are already a TrialGrid user, check the online help for the latest Release Notes on Beta. We will soon be pushing a new version (Version 14) to the pre-production environment and contacting customers to announce the Production release date.

Overlapping Matrices

We've blogged before about Matrix features in TrialGrid; creating All-Forms and Merged Matrices, features to help with viewing large Matrices and highlighting inactive Forms.

Recently we were asked by some of our users if we could help identify 'overlapping Matrices', i.e. a Folder/Form combination which exists in two or more Matrices (excluding the All-Forms and Merged Matrices). It is useful to check for this because Medidata Rave EDC will remove Forms when reversing a Merge Matrix Check Action and if a Form is included in more than one Matrix then Forms can disappear from subjects unexpectedly.

However it is very difficult to spot this problem in advance, especially on a large study. The largest we've seen has more than 500 Folders, 50 Forms, 30 Matrices and over 14,000 Folder/Form combinations in those Matrices. Checking those for overlaps in Rave or a spreadsheet is virtually impossible.

With that in mind we set to work to add features to TrialGrid Matrices to make it easy to see when Folder/Forms are used in more than one Matrix.

Searching and selecting multiple Matrices

When we first open the Matrices editor in TrialGrid the Default Matrix is displayed. Here we're using a small demo study as an example:

Default Matrix

We can zoom in:


and can search for all of the 'VISIT' Matrices and select them by clicking 'Select All':

Visit Matrices

Overlaps highlighted

Now we can see two Folder/Form combinations which are highlighted orange (used in two Matrices) and red (used in three or more Matrices). Hovering over the cells shows us which Matrices are used:

Highlight overlaps

This highlighting means it is easy to see where there are overlaps and find the Matrices which need to be edited.

Editing is as simple as clicking on the cells:

Matrix Edit

Merged and All-Forms Matrices

Once we're done with correcting the Matrices we can quickly generate Merged or All-Form Matrices:

Create Merged Matrix Step 1

Create Merged Matrix Step 2

Create Merged Matrix Step 3

Printing Matrices

You can print out one, or a combination of Matrices:

Print Matrix

Large Matrices

The examples above are from a small study we use to demo TrialGrid. A real study might be much larger. Here's an extract from a real study Draft which has more than 200 Matrices:

Large Matrix

In this image we are displaying 214 Matrices simultaneously and we can immediately see the overlaps.

Imagine searching through Rave Architect or an Architect Loader Spreadsheet to find them!

One more thing...

While working on these additions to Matrix features we added an easter egg for some entertainment.

'GAME ON' as our Medidata friends would say (no Matrices were harmed in the making of this clip).

Contact us if you'd like to learn more about TrialGrid and see these features in action.

This week in TrialGrid (2019-05-16)

Following on from last week when we released 2 new Diagnostics, this week we released 5 new Diagnostics, bringing our total to 108.

New Diagnostics

Diagnostic #104 checks that %%path/to/resource style Form Help is set correctly. Rave experts will know that if Form (or Field) help text starts with %% then it is interpreted as a link to a resource. In effect the %% is changed into https:// Instead of showing a help text box containing, say, %%MedidataRave/Help/CompletionGuidelines.pdf, Rave will navigate the user to This allows you to provide very rich help to your users for things like CRF completion guidelines or standard forms.

Diagnostic #104 can check either that your help for Forms is set to a certain resource like %%MedidataRave/Help/CompletionGuidelines.pdf or it can be check that the resource that a Form points to has a pattern like %%MedidataRave/Help/*. In the latter case %%MedidataRave/Help/Guidelines.pdf and %%MedidataRave/Help/Instructions.html would be valid but %%Help/Guidelines.pdf would not be because it does not match the pattern up to the *

We are in the process of updating Diagnostic #102 so that it can check the content of the resource-style Form and Field help values. Diagnostic #102 checks the validity of hyperlinks that it finds in Field and Form help text and in other text content such as Query messages.

Diagnostic #105 checks that Forms are set to DDEOption "Never". It is provided for clients who know that they are not using Double-Key data entry in their studies.

Similarly #106 checks that Form IsTemplate option is set to False. This is for clients who never use the Form Template functionality.

Diagnostic #107 checks that an all-forms Matrix contains all the Forms that are defined in the Draft. You typically create an All-Forms Matrix for proofing of Forms in PDF output or for annotates. TrialGrid can create an All-Forms matrix for you via its Matrix wizard but it's easy to forget to add a new Form to an All-Forms matrix. Diagnostic #107 makes this easy.

Diagnostic #108 provides the same convenience to All-Forms / Merged / PDF Matrices. Whatever you call them, these are Matrices which are the merger of all other Matrices. The idea is to provide guidance on what the study will look like once completely populated. With a large set of Matrices, keeping this master Matrix updated is a chore. Again, TrialGrid has a wizard to create these in a couple of clicks but this Diagnostic will warn you if you are missing a Folder/Form combination from another Matrix or if you have added a Form/Folder combination to your Matrix which does not exist in any of the other Matrices.

Finally, since we were working in Matrices we noticed that it's possible to add an inactive Form to your Matrix. This is valid but we felt you might want to know about it so we added (Inactive) after the name of the Form in the Matrix editor and also set the Folder/Form combination marker to a red square so you know that you're looking at an inactive Form.

Inactive Forms

We're constantly working on new things. Watch this space!